Friday, December 12, 2008


Hello, everyone, and welcome to AvantCado. It's a project for Illustrators. The idea is simple, and you may well remember it from

1. On the first and fifteen of every month, we announce a topic. You'll have one month to prepare an illustrated response. As such, they will always be a couple topics for you to participate in.

2. When you're finished, make a suitable, net-size scan, and send it to brianiswells(at) I'll make sure everything is formatted correctly and at the end of the month, I'll post all of the entries.

3. Some basic guidelines:
-No profanity, nudity, pornography, etc. We want this to be open to anyone. If your work is deemed offensive, it's out.

-If it doesn't match the topic, it's out.

-If your work is directly derivative, it's out. You can't just redraw someone else's character, concept, idea, what have you.

4. We're focusing on intelligent, well-planned, well-executed content. Please only submit work you consider finished. There are no limitations on media.

5. Participation is by invitation only.

Any of this is subject to change. For now, have fun, and enjoy the first assignment.

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